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Genre 18 – Highlife Music Assignment

Welcome to your MG18 High-life

1. Popular High-life artistes include all except _______

2. Dance Band highlife is rooted in ______ settings.

3. High life was greatly influenced by the success of ________

4. Guitar band highlife featured singing, drums and ______.

5. Highlife was a catch-phrase for catch-phrase for the ____________

6. The term ‘highlife’ appeared in the early _______

7. In the 1940s, the music diverged into _____

8. Highlife’s two-finger picking style was borrowed from ________

9. _________ was most common in the rural areas.

10. Seprewa is a stringed instrument.


  1. Ms

    Please I want to reset for this exams please my data was getting off so I had to do it hot cake without leaning anything 🙏🙏🙏

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